Well yesterday was my due date- apparently little man didn't get the memo, cause I'm still on the knocked up side of things and not the Mommy side. He better decide to come soon, otherwise I will have to move him from the top of my favorite kids list to spot numero uno on the children that drive me crazy list.
Annywhooo~ at least Daddy finished his nursery on time!
First- some befores:
Our house was built in 1890. Its a big old place, with 10 foot ceelings, large rooms and zippo closet space. But it's ours, and we love it. His room was a blue guest room to start, with linoleum floors and a rug from Lowes to cover the floor. 
There was a beautiful hand carved fireplace here, there is one in almost every room. However, the previous owner ripped it out and sold it leaving this beauty behind. They also replaced the orignal tiles with some random 4x4 blue squares and left large gaps in the woodwork. Thanks for that, folks.
We started by painting the walls Tiggers Tummy from the Disney Line at Home Depot that we had color matched to Behr Premium Plus Ultra. The trim was looking a little wonky, and since only about 1/2 of it was orignial we decided to just paint the trim Bitter Chocolate from Behr, and it honestly doesnt look like painted trim but rather stained woodwork.
Next came the carpet, wall to wall thick wonderful shag it was, and thanks to Remanant City in Pittsburgh we got a 20x17 piece WITH padding for $279. Score!!
Daddy and Grandpa took the old tile off of the fireplace and put new tile and a new mantle on that fits with the jungle theme we have going on. The bedding is Lambs and Ivy Papagayo.
We bought his crib new from USA Baby, but I scored the rest of the furnature off of craigslist for super cheap then we painted it a really deep, rich green. Yes, there is a tv and dvd collection in his room- please don't judge me, but we have a fouton in there that will be used for guests so we decided to keep the tv in there for that purpose...not so he can watch cartoons from his crib!!
A shot of the new mantle. It may not be original to the house, but I love how it fits the theme of his room.
How cute is this bathrobe holder? This is one of my favorite parts of his room, I'll be honest.
So many books. The bins at the bottom are for his little toys and things and the basket on the top has his stuffed animals and soft toys.
Last up is little man's closet...stuffed full of clothes. Everything on the top bar is newborn-6 months, and everything on the bottom is 6-12 months all seporated out by the little dividers I made a few months ago. The diaper stacker is full of his cloth dipes, and crammed in there as well is his musical table, jeep travel stroller, a bumboo, and a play mat. Momma can cram ALOT into a tiny closet ;)
Now all thats missing is little man- come on out, Buddy!
Mommy and Daddy really want to meet you!
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