Around here, Christmas Vacation gets quoted nearly all year long. But it seems that on our annual trek to cut down a tree I mutter this line more that any other. I would love to say that its just my husband that is Clark Griswold, but the reality is, we haul three ginormous trees out of Grupp's Christmas Tree Farm every year. Each of them topping over 11 feet tall. One for us, and one for each of Patrick's Aunts. PS, none of us have 11 foot ceilings- so they all need trimmed to fit in our respective houses, but tiny trees are for scrooges.
The best part of this year was that my MIL flew in to join us in the hunt. It only makes sense, because Pappy got to pick out a pumpkin with Grayson so Gigi was here to get the tree.
Look below, see the pink dot in the middle of the trees? Yeah, that's the MIL and Grayson. They were on the hunt.
Please note, Im about 5.5 feet tall. That tree was easy 14 feet tall when we cut it down.
Why cant we find a tree in a flat field?
Cause they're all picked over, lets go down the hill!
Rethinking that down the hill, aren't you tree haulers?!
I give you the Griswold family Christmas tree- I mean, the K Family Christmas Tree!
Let the Christmas Fun begin!