Grayson Boy-
Today you turn two. TWO?! How?! Time really flies my little love, as it seems like only yesterday you were a teeny baby and now you're a full fledged little boy. Words can not even express how much joy and love you bring to our family. Not to mention endless imagination and laughter, you always have Mommy and Daddy cracking up.
Currently you are into Thomas the Train, Chuggington, Curious George, Diggers, and Minions. You love to color, play with play dough, stickers or any other sensory messy play. You also love the ipad, reading books, building puzzles and playing games. You are always busy and always on the go, but when you're into something you can sit for a long time doing one activity.
You know all of your letters and numbers up to 20, even though you don't say them. You also know your shapes and colors. Talking is still a bit of a struggle, but you are getting better every day. Your new favorite word is crash, and you say it constantly.
Your Thomas birthday party was a success and all of the kids seemed to have a good time. Even if you didn't like when everyone sang to you. You are not a child who enjoys being in the spotlight, but you love being the center of one persons attention. You could spend all day playing with Nana or Pappy and be completely happy. Lately you've been into giving big hugs and kisses, which melts everyone to puddles.
You have your two year visit next week, but I'm thinking you're around 28 pounds. Your 24 month pants are a little too short, but your 2T's are a bit big in the waist. You'll grow into them, I guess. You're also in 24 month/2T shirts, although you can still fit into some 18 month things. You're wearing size 4 diapers and have no desire to give them up for the potty just yet.
Foods you love are chicken, fries, apples, bananas, pizza, rice, carrots, goldfish, pears, blueberries, grapes, cherry tomatoes, cereal, bagels, waffles, fruit snacks, iced tea, popcorn, peanut butter crackers, cheese its, cake (of course) and pretzels. Your food options are definitely expanding and you're not gagging yourself when you get a texture in your mouth you don't like. Its improvement for sure.
I can never thank you enough for being the little boy that you are. You are the best friend Daddy and I could ever ask for, and we love you more and more each day. Please know that while you may not always like what we do, we are doing the very best we can for you. We can't wait to take you on so many more adventures as you grow and show you the whole world.
Happy Birthday my little love, you're still the best baby ever.
Love always and forever,
Happy birthday little dude!