Sunday, January 1, 2012

Tips and Tricks

Ive been working on this post for awhile now, as I find these neat tips and tricks I wanted to keep them all together and be able to share them with all of you lovelies!

I have tried all of these, so I know they work. Just call me Martha Stewart- you know, sans the jail time.  Some are from pinterest, some are from my grandma. If I got them from somewhere, click the picture and it will take you to the genius who came up with it :)

If there is no picture, then I have no idea where I heard it- or I would cite it!
1. I looked for months for this tip- and it came from Vivienne over at the V-Spot Blog. To clean the grease off of the burners on the stove- put them in a zip lock baggie with about 1/4 cup of ammonia and seal the bag. Then let it sit overnight (outside is best, in case the bag breaks and you can avoid the stink!) and the fumes will take off the burned on grease and you can wipe it away with a sponge in the morning.

HOLY CRAP. Vivienne, you have no idea how much time I have wasted scrubbing those stupid things. You are a genius.

2. Kim had the BRILLIANT idea how to clean our shower heads: to get the built up residue off of your shower head, tie a baggy of vinegar around a shower head. Leave it there over night, and it will clean everything off with no work! (PS- Go check her out at Tales and Tips from A Real Life Housewife, shes full of great ideas and sweet as can be!)

3. To keep spaghetti sauce from staining your plastic ware, spray the inside of the storage container with a little bit of non-stick cooking spray. It will prevent the red from soaking into the plastic. If they still smell like sauce after you've washed them, place a cut up lemon inside and zap it in the microwave for a minute. 

4. If you frost a cake and are going to store it in the fridge, wet a piece of newspaper and set it on a plate. All of the fridge odors will go into the newspaper and not the cake. A great hint for if you have a fridge full of food for a party.

5. The sun is a great bleaching agent. You can place wet fabrics or plastic ware into the sun and it will bleach the stains out for you.

6. From, aspirin can not only prevent heart attacks but also remove sweat stains, take the green out of blonde hair in the summer, treat pimples and get rid of dandruff.  To remove sweat stains crush up enough pills to make a paste with water to cover the stain. Let set and then wash as usual. To remove the green from the pool from your hair, dissolve 6-8 tabs in water and let soak onto hair for 10 minutes. For problem acne, make a paste and apply directly to the pimple. For Dandruff- crush two aspirins and mix it into your normal amount of shampoo (regular shampoo, not the dandruff kind!) you use in the shower.  Let sit on hair for a few minutes and rinse away the flakes!

7. Tossing a few pennies in your garden to make your hydrangeas blue. (My grandma also swears it prevents slugs, but I dont have slugs in my garden so I dont know if this is true or not!)

8. Oh Martha, how I love thee. Store your sheets in a pillowcase. Keeps everything together and it makes for easy, compact storage.

9. A Real Simple Tip- Once you open the brown sugar, toss a few marshmallows in to keep it soft.

10. This one came from Shape Magazine- To remove stains from nails after wearing a dark polish, scrub nails with a whitening toothpaste and a nail brush.

11. To make your own nail polish, make a little pile of eyeshadow (great idea for the broken shadows we all have lying around!) and mix in a little clear nail polish. By using a matte topcoat, you can even get the Matte look here from Nevertoomuchgliiter!

If youre into nails, you have to check the awesomness out that is her blog. I die.

12. When you cut up an apple keep it from turning brown by using a rubber band to hold it together in its original apple shape.


13. A bounce sheet in your back pocket will repel mosquitoes. Place them around your house to repel mice as well.

14. Found on To get the water spots off of chrome faucets, after cleaning rub them with a piece of waxed paper- it will keep the water spots and fingerprints from sticking to the clean metal. You can also use a piece of waxed paper on your swifter sweeper. Just rip off a piece the size of the sweeper, attach, and wipe away. The dirt sticks to the paper- so much cheaper than buying the refill kits.

15. If you get a water mark on a wooden table, rub the stain with Petroleum Jelly and let sit for 24 hours. Then wipe off the excess and polish as usual.

16. Cornstarch will untangle all kinds of knots. Rub some into the knot in shoelaces, chains, string etc and watch as it comes apart.

17.  Found her on Pinterest- and Diane from In My Own Style has one of the best why didnt I think of that ideas ever. When painting, wrap a rubber band around the can over the opening. Then you can dip in the brush and wipe the excess paint off onto the rubber band, rather than the edge of the can.

18. You can make your own ice packs by filling a zip lock baggie with dish soap, then placing into a second baggie to seal in leaks. The soap wont freeze totally, allowing you to mold it to your body. Bonus, you can get a few packs out of a $1 bottle of soap from the dollar store.

19. To make perfectly shredded chicken, simply toss hot/warm cooked chicken into the mixer with the cookie paddle attachment. Turn it on speed 5 and in about 30 seconds it will have done all the work for you. This came from Simply Healthy Family- and if you like to eat you NEED to check out the recipies over there!!

20. When you take down Christmas lights, wrap them around a square of cardboard for storage. A good use for all of the shirt boxes that get ripped open Christmas morning. Keeps them untangled and easy to put away.

21. When hammering in a nail, use a clothes pin to hold the nail in place. No more hammering your fingers!


22. You can make your own magic erasers for cleaning by simply buying some melamine foam. You can buy 30 of them on Amazon for $15. No more paying $4.69 for four!

23. The tip came from Pinterest and linked me to Jaimelyn from over at I {heart} Nap Time. let us in on this AMAZING secret- baby powder will remove sand from skin. Perfect for keeping feet clean!

Head on over to I {heart} Nap Time and see some awesome recipies, craft ideas and overall awesomeness.

24. Soak old paint brushes in HOT vinegar for 30 minutes and then wash. The old paint will come out and they will be as good as new. Just one of the many ideas Ive found on This Old House :)

25. Chalk will remove grease stains from clothes. Simply rub the stain with chalk, then toss in the wash as normal. I learned this when I was student teaching :)

26. Add some Velcro to a dish towel to keep it secure on the handle of the oven.

27. When a sweater gets pilly from being in the dryer, run a cheap disposable razor over the fabric to shave off the fuzz! They used to make little machines that were basically mens razors for this back in the 90's.

28. From Martha- save cabinet space in the kitchen, hang a tension rod and use S hooks to hang pots and pans. Then a magazine rack attached to the door will hold lids in place.  Also, tension rods turned vertical will sort cookie sheets and pans so you don't have to move a bunch of stuff to get the pan you want.


29. To clean a cast iron skillet, toss about 1/2 cup coarse salt into the pan and rub with a soft sponge. The salt removes excess oils and takes off the bits of food without messing with the seasoning of the pan.


30. Did you know that strawberries can be hulled using a regular drinking straw.  I most certainly did not. Thank you Williams and Sonoma for charging me $8 for a strawberry huller for nothing...
31. Iron a little baby powder into the under arms of your white shirts. It will keep oil from seeping into the threads, thus keeping them white.


32. Bed Skirts can be really costly, so take a tip from Martha! Get an extra fitted sheet and cover the box spring. You can get the plain ones for around $7 from target.

33. I found this from Chica and Jo a super long time ago, and it has saved me hours of aggrivation. When painting something, use a few push pins in the back of the object to lift it off of the table. No more sticking to whatever its painted on! It took me forever to find the link, but check out tons of their DIY ideas!

34.  Tired of having your shoes bang around in the dryer? Check this guy out.
35. Keep the stove top clean by applying a thin layer of car wax, then wipe it off. It keeps food from sticking. Anything that sticks easily wipes away with a magic eraser!


That's all for now, lovelies, if you have any tips and ticks please feel free to pass them on!

Tips and Tricks Part 2 is up and running- check it out here!!


  1. I loved your tips! Especially the nail polish one. What a smart tip. And also loved the excess paint, I will use that. I hate when everything around the can is coloured...

  2. I'm looking for a way to help keep all my electric cords from looking like a pile of spaghetti behind the tables and tv stands in our house. Thanks! Lynn

    1. A little trick I learned from my Mother-in-law...Use the empty toilet paper rolls. Rap the cord around your hand, pull cord off and insert rolled cord inside roll.

    2. On pinterest I found a couple cord ideas that may help you: use large binder clips to attach the end you need to the edge of your desk (thread cord throug the two silver wire parts you flip to open the clip), and use bread bag clips attached to the outlet end to label what each power cord belongs to.

    3. I wind them up (about four inch lengths) and make the cord long enough to reach the outlet. Then I use a twist tie around the wrapped part. Since the twist ties come in green, black, and white, I choose the color of the cord so it doesn't show so much.

    4. I use twist ties too! Works great for the computer where there's lots of cords. I have them color coded with the same color twist tie towards the top. That way if I need to unplug something, I see the color that's behind, say the speakers, then look for that color down by the plug. Saves from having to trace them back.

    5. I braid them together. They look nice and stay together.

    6. Your tips are fabulous! How cool are all of those tips!!?? You have great tips! Thank you for putting them in such a neat and organized list.. I will definitely pin u on pinterest! --j.a.m.

    7. I always tie them up with ribbon, since I have so much of it lying around. Plus I think it makes it look cute!

    8. Also related, I've seen people use bread tags at the plug of the cord, labeling what machine it's for. Super handy when you need to unplug one machine in a tangle of cords!

    9. Pipe cleaners work great for keeping cords together.

    10. Use cable ties (get a bunch cheap from the dollar store) or twist ties, rubber bands or even velcro will do the trick.

    11. If you can't read these replies because of the dark background, just highlight it and it turns the area white and becomes readable.

    12. Janet Kasuboske, you need to be careful winding electrical cords together. They get hot with the electricity running through them and can cause a fire.

    13. find those in the curtain-rod area of the store.

    14. I saw a post on Pinterest that suggested using guttering... sounds like a good idea if you're not going to move your desk for a while.

    15. I found your blog through a pin on Pinterest (about the wax paper on chrome fixtures). I learned so much through your site! I especially loved the bedskirt alternative! Now how come I never thought of that!!?!?! Thanks!

  3. Lots of great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great tips! I really like to sheet on the box springs idea, esp. for boys.

  5. Wow lots of great tips. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great tips, I would it if you shared them here:

  7. Wow so many common sense solutions, I kept thinking why didn't I think of that. Fanned and faved!

  8. Awesome! I'll have to bookmark this page for sure. I have some similar tips here.

  9. This is a great collection of tips. I can't wait to try the aspirin one for dandruff. Thanks for sharing. I am a new follower visiting from A Glimpse Inside. Vicky from Mess For Less

  10. This is genius! I'm going to try the nail polish one this week - I have so many eye shadows that I love the color but are too bright for my face. I'm bookmarking this post! I'm a new follower from the Sunday Hop.

  11. Loved the box spring one also. Such an inexpensive fix, and yes especially in a boys room! Love it!

  12. My first time here...and I loved the tips. One from me: If you spill food on your clothes, pour on some talcum powder immediately and wash as usual. No oil stains!

  13. I love your tips here, but I do need help with something. What is the best way to remove water stains from the glass showers?

    1. If you have mineral deposits on your shower doors you can use vinegar in a spray bottle or WD-40 to remove them. When done you can also put a light coating of car wax on them, this will help keep them from spotting. The wax also works great on a bathroom sink.

    2. I found using mineral oil on a cloth does the trick, helps on stainless steel appliances as well!

    3. Rain-X, makes the water just run on down!!

    4. I have used liquid fabric softener on a sponge and it works pretty well.

    5. Ive always heard a thin coat of car wax, or put a squeegee (is that how its spelled?) in there to get rid of the spots right after showering.

    6. CLR Kitchen and Bath works really well for glass shower doors and then just squeegee after you shower.

  14. Dawn (in the blue bottle) & white vinegar! 1 cup of each in a spray bottle, mix it up, spray, let it sit for an hour or so, wipe away, and voila! no more scum and streaks :)

    1. Is there different types of white vinegar? I tried and didn't work for me. I wonder if it is hard water deposits. Any ideas?

    2. Try a dryer sheet on your shower for the hard water stains. Wet the shower and the sheet and rub will need to apply some pressure. Then use car wax on the class to keep the stains away.

    3. soap scum stains are the worst...sometimes if nothing else works I reach for the CLR cleaner that just eats them away (along with the skin on your hands, so wear gloves!)

    4. Strange, but using foamy shaving cream makes the water run right off!

    5. Shaving cream applied to the mirror will also prevents steam when you take a hot shower.

    6. I have discovered that dollar store microfibre cloths clean soap scum off my fiberglass tub when nothing else did. You have to use lots of elbow grease the first time, but wiping down the tub every few uses after that keeps it smooth & shiny -- using no chemicals! Also great for the glass shower doors, tub surround, and ceramic sinks.

  15. Just this morning I was talking to my friend and asking her what I can use to remove really tough grease from my burners. Then...duh...I remembered that you told me here!
    So of course I'm featuring you!

  16. There are five tips there that I will be using right away. I'm here from Lesley's Super Sweet Thursday Par-tay. :)

  17. Thanks for the tips! I am going to feature your post over at :)

  18. Also, a great tip I picked up by a friend... use car wax on glass shower doors/walls....and a squeegee (sp) to wipe down. Lasts several months, before having to re-apply.

    1. Thats what Ive always heard works- and I have no idea how to spell that word either!

  19. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

  20. Corn starch also gets knots out of matted dogs hair. Corn Starch rub it into the knott and comb out. I used to do this for my yorkie.

    1. Thats awesome! Ive never had a long haired dog, but Ill remember this if someone ever asks!

    2. I wonder if it will work on fine hair, my granddaughter's hair is in knots every morning, even with hair detangler she cries when you brush it.

  21. These tips are AWESOME! I love you.

    1. Aw thanks! I love you too, for reading them!!

  22. love these tips! As a mommy of boys I've learned that toothpaste removes permanent marker from waterford crystal, cabinets and sinks (and I'm sure most other things) Also, never buy silver polish again! Toothpaste does a super easy job and doesn't make a mess or dry out.

    1. Oh Im sure Ill be needing that in the future-thanks for sharing!!

    2. Use dry-erase marker to remove permanent marker stains. Works amazing!

  23. Love this site, also a tip to shine nice dress shoes, for men and women. Clean the dirt off with a rag, dry the excess water off. Then rub a little butter on them, and wipe off. Voila you have a nice pair of Shiny dress shoes again. My MIL showed me this trick at a wedding one time. The groom was trying to clean his shoes with windex or something like that.

    1. My mom always used a spot of vaseline when I was a kid. That works too.

  24. Love this site! I have a couple to add: spraying the cardoor seals with baking spray prevents freezing in cold weather; car wax also works great to keep fiberglass tubs shiny, and makes them resist soap scum; use toothpaste, not scouring powder on cast iron tubs to avoid scratching the enamel; polishing with car wax in batharoom sinks keeps toothpaste from sticking; coca cola is a great toilet cleaner; and my favorite, wrapping fridge shelves with plastic wrap cuts down on cleaning time when little hands spill things.

    1. Thanks for all the great tips!!! I love the one about the plastic wrap!! Ill make sure to use it when I do Round 2!

  25. Great tips. I use easy off oven cleaner on my stove burners. I spray them outdoors and let them sit in the sun, then bring them in and the grease washes right off. You can put them in the oven after spraying if it's not a hot sunny day when cleaning! Use the original easy off!

  26. Great tips will save this site and share with others.. Thanks!!!

  27. Another tip for removing grease or oil stains, even if your shirt or item of clothing has been washed and dried multiple times, I swear by this! Spray the grease stain with Goo-Gone spray, then launder as normal. It's an oily spray itself, but it really works!

    1. Ill have to try that! I hate when I miss a spot and it goes through the dryer- I didnt think there was any hope for it after that!

    2. I've never had an oil stain that Dawn couldn't get out...and I NEVER catch them before they go through the dryer!

  28. A tip from my grandmother who reuses everything. Save the waxpaper bag from the inside of an empty cereal box. Your fresh head of lettuce will last twice as long in the fridge if you store it in the waxpaper bag.

    1. my husband taught me to use newspaper instead of paper towels when cleaning off windows or mirrors.. streak free!

    2. Nothing beats a tip from Grandma! Ill make sure to use this in Round 2 :)

  29. Go over glass and mirrors with rubbing alcohol... Not only sanitizes it but gets rid of the smears...

    1. Ive heard of vinegar, but never alcohol! Ill give that a try!

    2. alcohol will kill roaches, too! My niece swears by this. Put it in a spray bottle (label bottle) and spray every time you see a roach, the south is known for bad roach problems, especially Louisiana and Texas. Thank you, love all the tips.

  30. My daughters teacher has them use shaving cream on the desk to clean and sanitize them. I wash off my mascara brush when its all gone to seperate my lashes before using brand new mascara. I save the wax paper from cereal boxes and cut them into squares and seperate my ground beef patties for camping or home when freezing. I use them for making the chicken potpie crust, my counter tops stay clean,.. hugs,,,Bonnie Crouch

    1. Yeah I remember using the shaving cream on the desks too - it was our favorite part of "end of school clean up" but we never knew why they had us do it. Now I do!

    2. I never got to do that with shaving cream, Ill have to try that with my kiddos! Thanks for all of the great ideas :)

  31. That tip on the matte nail polish isn't quite right. While she *did* create a new color using clear polish and broken eyeshadow, it was shiny when she applied it. A matte top coat did the rest. :)

    1. I got the top coat from a friend its OPI, and I didnt even know they MADE a matte top coat! I just thought it was the regular old shiny stuff, Ill have to updtate that!

  32. Ammonia does not remove all from burner pans. It only looks that way if the pans' original color was black. You can use carnauba wax to polish your fridge door, faucet (instead of wax paper) and heating vents.

    1. i did use ammonia on my burners~ i did have to double bag the burners to ensure the fumes were trapped in and it worked on my non removable circle trays also` i just put saran wrap as tight as I could and then covered with a pot cover the same size~~ MY STOVE LOOKS BRAND NEW!! I was ready to purchase a new one. Try again if it didnt work~ 24 hours is the trick

    2. I will have to try that on the trays. What a great idea.

    3. If you have a self-cleaning oven, put your stove burners inside next time you run it. They will come out ashy, but wipe right off. Works on my GE brand (the kind pictured).

  33. Bounce sheets are also great for removing static from hair!! I like to keep them in my drawers as well so everything smells delicious :)

    1. Thanks for the tip- in the fall my hair always looks like a science experiment gone mad from static! Ill have to give that a try :)

    2. My mother dust with her dryer sheets that have already been used, instead of throwing them away

    3. I save the dryer sheets that have already been used to wipe off those annoying deodorant marks on clothes. Just a little rub and no more white mark!

  34. Here is a fun little use for wax paper...
    If you have a children's slide that is "slow", take some wax paper and rub all down the're little ones will zip down instead of scoot. :o)

    1. or better yet... just have the kids sit on a sheet of wax paper! My grandmother let me do that on the metal slides growing up. so awesome.

    2. Use wax paper on your closet bars makes hangers slide so nice!

    3. We used to do that when we were little! But I never thought of making hangers slide nice, thats pretty smart!!

  35. Do you have any tips on how to clean a glasstop stove?

    1. No tip, but in the appliance section of lowes, (not the clleaning section) they make a product called CERAMA BRYTE, it works better than any other cleaner I have tried.. For really tough stains I also use a razor blade.

    2. Baking soda by itself or with a little dishsoap, it gets all the gunk off, then wipe clean with a wet cloth/paper towel.

    3. I use a product called Bar Keepers Friend. It's really cheap. I have found it at Bed Bath and Beyond and most grocery stores. It's great for the glasstop stove and also brightens stainless pots and pans. Cleans marks from pots in porcelain sinks also.

    4. I use baking soda and vinager it works AMAZING! Sprinkle the baking soda on then spray with vinager the bubbles do all the work, it also works great when cleaning the oven!

    5. Growing up my grandma had one, she just cleaned it with baking soda and water and a soft cloth.

  36. dish soap also removes water stains on shower doors

  37. hair look greasy and you dont have time to stop and wash it??? use baby powder on your roots and run it thru your hair with your fingers. and ta da no more greasy looking hair. Amber Brake

    1. What a wonderful idea...and it would be so much cheaper than the dry shampoo I may or may not use on mornings where the man child doesnt cooperate to give me a chance to shower!!

    2. Sprinkle cornmeal in your hair and let it set for about 10 minutes then brush out...will take the oil out of your hair without leaving the white talcum powder behind. I have dark hair and the baby powder makes my hair look lighter, but not in a good way! the cornmeal will brush out completely.

  38. One thing my grandmother has always said... if you sleep with a box of baby powder in your bed, it will prevent leg cramps!

  39. Salt also gets caked/burnt/stuck-on food off stainless steel pans. Pour a few tablespoons of salt in a warm pan (or cooled, but warm makes it easier) and scrub with a wet sponge.

  40. My tip: Snip off a corner of your 'yucky' sponge so you'll always know it's the one for the floors, etc. My floor sponge is always snipped at the corner and under the sink so it can't possibly get mixed up with the dish sponge! Susan

    1. Susan! Thats a genius idea...I always buy two different colors and always mix them up!

  41. RainX in the winter keeps the ice from sticking to your windshield.

    1. Im giving that a try for sure, I hate scraping ice off the windows at 6 AM!

    2. If you spray rubbing alcohol om your windows it prevents them from icing up as well. It also will help prevent the residue that will eventually build up from rainx because it does have wax products in it to repel water. The alcohol just needs to be misted before frost covers the cars for the evening. A Nothern trick used for years:)

  42. Diamon-Fusion International (DFI) also makes a great line of products to protect your shower, toilet, windshield, granite or porcelin. They also have products to restore your shower if it has severe hard water stains. It also helps the environment because you don't have to use the harsh cleaners. Better to restore your old shower door and save money and the landfill! I've used all the products and they are great.

    1. Im all about the reusing and restoring!! Thanks for the tip, Ill have to check them out!

  43. Please don't put aspirin directly on the skin. It will burn it. Take this from a very painful experience.

  44. Thank you so much! I love learning new tips and tricks!

  45. Thank you so much for the tip with the ammonia. I have been trying to clean the burners for so long...and I have tried so many different things that did not work. This is the FIRST one that actually WORKED and was fairly easy. Thank you again!!!

  46. Clean mirrors with vinegar & crumpled newspapers ; no streaking!!

    1. Ill have to give that a try! And Ill be sure to include it round 2 of tips and tricks!!

  47. For mirrors and windows, you can use coffee filters or newpapers, both prevent streaking. Dawn Dissolver is an awesome product to clean your burners, drip pans, ovens, pots & pans, etc. You can find it anywhere, near the dish soaps. Once you get them clean with the ammonia, keep it up with Dawn Dissolver, easy to use & doesn't stink, just don't let the crud build up too much. It is also dishwasher safe.

  48. Awesome tips! Any ideas on how to remove film from old mason jars? I've tired everything I can think of and no luck. Thanks

    1. vinager and water let it soak for a couple hrs.

  49. Found you on Pinterest :D Add to #15. to get water marks off of wood furniture - the water is actually stuck between layers of stain/varnish/whatever. Use a hair dryer on a low setting to evaporate it away immediately and POOF!! it's gone :D (my huz used to work at an antique store and used this trick allllll the time. Can work on old marks too, but works better if done right away.)

    1. Thanks Jes, I love this idea! Ill be sure to include it when I do round 2!!

  50. Perhaps I didn't see it in any comments, but any tips for keeping the fancy stainless steel appliances clean? They are driving me crazy! Another hint for a porcelain sink that is starting to show stains: rub mineral oil on it. It will repel oily stains like spaghetti sauce and the mineral oil fills in the little fissures in the porcelain to help it maintain shine.

    1. I put olive oil on a soft cloth and rub it prevents smudges and fingerprints from showing up. It lasts for about a week!!

    2. My mom asked the guy at Lowe's how they keep the fingerprints off of the fridges in the store. They found that Pledge works best. It has wax in it so the oils from skin don't stick.

    3. Thanks for the tip! Ill make sure to put it in round 2 of tips! I dont have any stainless appliances at home, but I have a mini fridge at school and I keep it clean with pledge multi surface!

    4. I use the Weiman wipes - available at Walmart...

  51. hydrogen peroxide took stains out of my white carpet! my bf got in a fight and got blood on his shirt n shoes, hydrogen peroxide also pulled that out even after it started to dry

  52. Great tips! Thanks so much for sharing!

  53. One extra tip - Foaming hand soap dispenser can be filled with water and add 1 tsp of dish detergent (I use antibacterial) and shake! The magic is in the dispenser not in the soap itself. But make sure you put the water first or you will make too many suds!!

  54. How do you keep tile countertops looking clean and not spotty/foggy? I wash them down now with a sponge and then wipe with a paper towel but it never looks clean. Thanks, Melissa

    1. Hi Melissa! At our house we use windex seems to dry off the quickest and doesnt leave streaks. If there is a buildup you may want to buy a tile cleaner and give it a good scrub down with that to remove anything stubborn. Hope that helps!

  55. Thanks for all the great tips!! Can't wait to give some a try!!

  56. Your tips are AMAZING!! Love this site, Can I link to you?

  57. Love your information !!! I have a question I have a gas stove can I use the ammonia to clean my burners ?

    Thanks Coco

    1. Yep! I havea gas stove as well, and it works just fine :)

  58. I have used chalk on my grease stains and goo gone multiple times and neither have worked. Any other suggestions?


  59. Little boys can't seem to get their pee into the toilet. I clean it several times a day. Is there any tips or tricks to help with clean up, smell, etc. Please help!!

    1. Found this on a friend's Pinterest...

      Get Rid Of The Boy Bathroom Smell:
      Here's what you will need: Baking Soda Lemon Juice {fresh is better} White Vinegar Damp rag Step 1: Mix a paste of baking soda and lemon juice. If you don't have lemon juice you can use water but lemon juice is a great disinfectant and great for removing odors. The consistency of the paste should be about that of pancake mix. Step 2: Spread the paste all along the bottom of the toilet {where it meets the floor}, the toilet seat, and any other area that gets a lot of over spray. Let it set for about 10-15 minutes. Step 3: When the timer expires spray the dried paste with white vinegar and let it fizzle. Once it is done fizzing wipe it up with a damp cloth. It's very important that you don't forget about the walls and/or cupboards on either side of the toilet. It's easy to remember to wipe the floor and the toilet but the walls and cupboards will also get sprayed and they will need to be wiped down regularly too. Spray them down with vinegar, let it set on them for a few minutes and them wipe them down. Cleaning the toilet, floor and walls at least once a week, with these steps, will keep the smell at bay and you won't have to worry about what your guests think anymore!

    2. Put a few cheerios in the toilet and have the little one aim for them. Might work with bigger boys too!

    3. That is how I potty trained my sons....aim for the cheerios. I put three in. Never had a problem with messiness...

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    Lezyne Carbon 10 Multi-Tool

  61. I've used the salt tip on my cast iron pans and it works great. Another tip along this line I got from a chef in a cooking class is for aluminum cookware... Use lemon juice and salt. She said that is how professional chefs clean their aluminum cookware.

  62. In regards to your sneakers in the dryer tip, I use a pillow case... Accomplishes the same thing and you don't have to buy anything extra! :)

  63. I've tried every possible way to get dried ink stain off a sheet, I ended up just throwing it away. For the next time is there anything that would help? Thanks, LF

    1. Ink stains, including make-up stains on flooring, counters, and fabric can be removed with rubbing alcohol or hairspray in pinch (they contain alcohol). This works for dyes as well. Let it sit and reapply and try rubbing out several times if the stain is old.

      My mother was a hairdresser and used ashes to clean off dye that accidentally got on skin or flooring. Worked amazingly better than anything else!

    2. Aquanet hairspray removes ink stains from fabric.

  64. I knew several of these tips, but have forgotten them over time. I'm grateful for the list - I used to (when I remembered) put paste wax on my tub fixtures so that they wouldn't get all of those hard water stains. When I moved I just put the paste wax away, but I have rentals that could use that treatment! Thanks for the reminder!

    by the way, I got here via a PIN :) Congrats!

  65. Hair spray(any brand)will remove ink stains. Put a rag under the spot spray it, then blot the stain from the top. You might have to do this a few times but it works. I have taken ink stains off a purse with hair spray.I also use "Extra fine" steel wool to clean water stains off windows. I also use it on my old formica counter tops that have lost there shine. Make sure it is "Extra Fine." Another good cleaning product is Rubbing alcohol, it will remove hair spray build up on almost anything.

  66. Wow! These are all great tips! Thank you for taking all the time and effort into putting this post together. I'm sure it took quite a bit of time to gather all this info. Thanks again!

  67. You actually shouldn't put running shoes in the dryer, it ruins the supportive cushioning inside the shoe. Instead, stuff your shoes with crumpled up newspaper to dry them out.

  68. I have been afraid to use cleaners on my Wolf Range and oven. What is the best product to clean the inside of the oven as well as the glass window on the inside? I'm so afraid of using a product that may affect the coating and I don't want any harsh chemical left in the oven when done. This is not a self-cleaning oven. Also, is the ammonia idea for the burners of for these really heavy duty ones? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

  69. I'll let you know how much you've saved me in frustation! This is a great post! Thanks!

  70. Use waxed paper in your closet and bathroom on the rods to make hangers and shower curtain glide with ease! (I learned this in retail!)

    1. We also used this trick in a clothing store where I worked, as well as car wax. The hangers moved much more smoothly.

  71. I love all you tips. I especially love the ammonia to degrease the burners on my stove. I have tried everything,and I can't believe how well that worked. Thankyou so much for your tips.

  72. Any tips on cleaning the grout on a ceramic tile kitchen floor? The tile is a light beige color and after 9 years the grout looks almost black!

    1. I have 2 solutions for you: #1: HG grout cleaner will do the trick. #2: make a paste with baking soda and vinegar (this last one was from a cleaning lady I knew). You first put the baking soda on the grout then pour the vinegar on it. Let it sit for a couple of minutes, use a nail brush on it then rinse. Your grout will be back to it's original color. What ever you used to clean make sure that once you finish cleaning your whole floor go buy a grout sealer (Home Depot, Lowes,etc). You should seal it once a year and will never have to clean it again like that again.

  73. Great tips here! For point 12, have you tried washing them in a bowl of water with a bit of salt added? It works for me, apples, pears...

  74. cant wait for more there so awesome

  75. to save money use the wax bags from empty breakfast cereal for the swifter and the polishing!

  76. Any ideas on how to remove perspiration smells from gym clothes? I have used vinegar and hot water to no avail.

    1. Borax. It is heaven sent! It takes the worst smells out of laundry. Let soak if it's a really strong odor. It also boosts laundry detergent in the wash.

      The only thing that is beyond stubborn is wool. It retains smells to the point of disposal.

  77. any advice on cleaning water/salt stains from suede boots?

  78. Thanks for all these great ideas! Where can you find the short and skinny tension rods to make the dividers for shelves? All I can find are the closet/tub-sized ones.

    1. You should be able to find the small tension rods in the curtain section of any department/dollar store. Good luck!

  79. So, I tried the wax paper on the faucet idea, and it actually works pretty well ! Thanks for sharing it! Also, I have shredded my chicken in the mixer for a long is so easy!

  80. I knew some of these, learned some of these and was wowed by some of these! Thanks for the post! Oh and they still do sell those "fuzz buzzers" as I call them (in #27)! I enjoyed reading them all.

  81. These are GREAT tips!! I love the nail polish one. :)

  82. When canning, put about a 1/4 cup of vinegar in the "bath" water for the bottles. That prevents the white film that often forms on the bottles while thay are processing.

  83. I found you via and I'm glad I did. These are some amazing tips! Cornstarch for knots, baby powder for sand, the burners, the apples, wow! Clipped and bookmarked :)

  84. Love the hints but wish they were printed in larger bold print or a different color of font. It is hard to read your responses and I don't want to miss one word because this is so interesting.

  85. the trick we use for tangled up cords is to use garbage bag ties to keep them in order...give it a try and trust me, you will no longer have to "unpuzzle" your cords.

  86. Thank you for sharing these wonderful gems of common sense! I found them very useful, especially the wax paper on faucets (we struggle to keep our chrome kitchen tap semi-clean), and the Aspirin one. To think of it, back in my old country, I used to buy 10% Salicylic acid in little bottles at the corner pharmacy. Aspirin, being acetylsalicylic acid, just in a dry form, is an awesome AND cheap zit fixer! Who needs to spend megabucks on Proactive, if you can just crush a couple of Aspirins, make them into a paste, and dab that on a zit.
    Thanks again!!!

  87. I'm very happy to read this post of yours regarding tips to make our daily living worried-free. I like how you manage things to become organize. Thanks for your tips about the shower head. It is always my problem because we have so many bathroom users. Our shower heads easily got dirty and this will be the solution. Thanks a lot!

  88. To get the smell off of your hands after cutting onions, wash your hands with dish detergent and before rinsing, rub your hands briskly but thouroughly on your chrome faucet or inside of the sink!

  89. Use foam shaving cream ( I use Barbasol brand) to remove carpet stains. Spray on the stain, use fingers to "massage" into carpet, let sit, then remove with a damp towel. Always do a spot test though!

    1. Barbasol shaving cream cleans bathroom mirrors and keeps the mirrors from steaming up while you are in the shower

  90. I have another trick for getting the green out of blonde hair. It happens when there is too much chlorine in a pool. Wet your hair before you swim, your hair won't soak up the chlorine if it's wet. If you do get greened just wash your hair with ketchup/catsup, then shampoo and condition as normal.

    1. rinse your hair with beer before swimming will also protect it and leave it very shiny and soft

  91. My dad always made us save the used dryer sheets and use them for cleaning our eye glasses. leaves no streaks and when done it also helps to prevent fogging dirt and fingerprints and also repels water. Also it doesnt scratch your lenses, now i use them for everything including car mirrors and cleaning tv and computer screens and your touch screen phone. (note must be a USED dryer sheet)

  92. Also i used car polish to clean my jewlery, put a little polish on a towel or wash cloth rub jewlery until it no longer comes back black on cloth then wash with warm water, soft toothbrush and dish soap. it removes oxidation and protects shine and finish and costs way less, i only need to clean mine once a year or so :)

  93. I just tried the shredded chicken trick with some leftover pork roast and it was awesome! In like 2 minutes I had perfectly shredded pork for my bbq pork sandwiches!

  94. Just want to say a big THANK YOU for compiling & sharing these great ideas!

  95. Great ideas thank you for postina all.

  96. These are awesome, thanks!
    Addition to #5... If you soak your white clothes in water mixed with detergent, then wring them and put them out in the sun to dry, then was as normal, they will be even brighter than if you just put them in the sun wet (the detergent really helps!)

  97. I love your tips! Especially the ones for keeping the stove clean. For all the gardeners out there, though, pennies will not change the color of your hydrangeas. Neither will batteries (a south african friend told me that what her grandmother used). Hydrangeas are pink, blue or lavender based on how acidic your soil is, which copper has no effect on. If you want to change your colors, buy a cheap soil test kit or some litmus paper, test your soil and add whatever your area needs for the color you want: lime, gypsum, hydrangea fertilizer, whatever. White hydrangeas are unaffected by the soil pH.

  98. I am looking for a helpful tip in cleaning the racks in my oven, I have a self cleaning oven but your are suppose to remove the racks first before turning it on, it takes a long time to scrub the racks and same with the smoker racks in the outside smoker. Any suggestions?
    One tip on baking dishes, really a mess soak them over night in warm soapy water with a Bounce sheet and the next morning it cleans like a dream. Love your tips.

  99. i would of read more articles on your site but the font you have chosen is horrible

  100. Love all the great tips.. thanks for sharing.

  101. Thanks for the great tips.

    Read, sign:

  102. No time to read all of the comments, but if no one has mentioned... A 1:4 mix of alcohol and water will work well for a frozen bag. Don't waste dishsoap. I've used the alochol/water mix for years. It's great. It's a nice icy slush.

  103. I cannot believe that nobody (I apologize if I missed it) commented about squirrels and cayenne pepper. ( or u just don't care?) :( My neighbor, who is a state park ranger/official and my vet both informed me that using cayenne peppe and any form of garlic also, is very inhumane. Not only is it cruel, it's dangerous to their health. My vet has seen baby squirrels in her office and in her own backyard who have suffered from those "remedies". If they get it on their little paws and happen to rub their faces, it will burn their eyes and noses. She's seen squirrels ( and kitties, and chipmunks) with damaged corneas and half-eaten away esophaguses from ingesting the cayenne pepper, also holes in their nasal cavities. A very cruel and painful method to keep them out of your yard/ garden.:( Many people don't realize this, but squirrels eat certain fruits from your trees and veggies from your garden simply b/c they're thirsty. Keep a couple of birdbaths full of fresh, clean water in your yard for them.

  104. Thanks for the tips!! I'm going to try some!!

  105. Also the uncoated Aspirin is great for killing warts!

    Gross but easier then getting them "burnt" off. Just cut an Aspirin pill into halves or quarters, grab a bandaid and put your piece on the bandaid then add a few drops of water to soggy the Aspirin and put it on your wart. Easiest to do it at night, but just keep doing it until it starts to kill the roots and then after awhile you'll be able to just pull the whole thing out, roots and all. Its the roots that make them reoccurring pains in the butt.
    I've done this myself as a kid and have had 3, 1 on my foot, 1 on the palm of my hand, and 1 on my wrist. Its worked every time, and "knock on wood" I haven't had any since I was like 10.
    Hope this helps a few embarrassed kids get on with their beautiful youth!

  106. my husband works at a steel mill. Even though he takes a shower every night when he gets home...his pillow case gets dark. I wash the sheets every three days but cannot get his pillow cases clean. any ideas?

  107. omg--what awesome tips! My daughter had put a wet glass on our wooden table and there has been a ring there ever since. Can't wait to try the petroleum jelly and see how it works ! Also love the baby powder to get sand off your feet. Thanks for sharing these great ideas!


  108. What an awesome collection of tips! I'm definitely bookmarking this to refer to again and again. Some are so simple I'm just shaking my head and wondering, "why didn't I think of that?" lol!


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